News and events
FMN Lab Director will share his expertise in the field of nanotechnology
The newcomer will provide new possibilities for the fabrication of micro- and nanostructures
FMN Lab team proposed a mathematical model based on the Fresnel diffraction of image generation in the thick photoresist layers
Alexander Baburin and Ilya Stepanov spoke about the developments of the center in the field of photonic integrated circuits
Jointly with the BMSTU team, FMN Lab presents the latest developments in the field of nanophotonics and bionanotechnologies.
Ilya Rodionov talks on the future of the Bauman Valley on the Yauza river
Ilya Rodionov and Vitaly Ryzhkov shared the latest advances in bionantechnologies
Ilya Rodionov on the tasks of the project in frames of the BMSTU "Priority 2030" Program
In frames of the global scientific event, BMSTU exhibited samples of microfluidic laboratories-on-a-chip and thermoelectric MEMS switches fabricated at FMN Lab.
More opportunities to maximize SEM insights
The RAS Expert Council reviews a wide range of national scientific and technological programs and projects
A young scientist from REC FMN spoke about the "Russian method" of teaching at MSTU and the creation of integrated photonics devices.
Vitaly Ryzhkov presented the latest achievements of the center in the field of personalized medicine
The posters were devoted to the technologies of creating photonic integrated circuits (PIC) with low losses.
Alexander Baburin made a presentation “Electro- and thermo-optical photonic integrated circuits for single-photon applications”.
Vitaly Ryzhkov made a presentation “How to place a laboratory on a chip?”
FMN Lab team developed an automated pressure maintenance system for microfluidic lab-on-chip
Twenty-four BMSTU freshmen took part in the scientific and technological movement “Lift-off lithography” organized by FMN Lab team