News and events

В МГТУ заработал самый точный российский квантовый процессор
24 june 2024

Точность квантовых логических операций, реализованных на процессоре Snowdrop 4Q, превысили 99,1%

ФГУП ВНИИА выпускает на рынок модуль считывания для квантовых компьютеров
1 june 2024

Разработан модуль считывания на базе широкополосных параметрических криоусилителей для высокоточного считывания кубитов

Бауманские фотонные чипы превзошли ведущие мировые фабы
22 april 2024

Разработан комплекс уникальных технологий для научных центров и российских фотонных фабов.

The Bauman University will launch contract production of quantum processors
20 march 2024

The goal is to meet the growing need in the Russian Federation for next generation supercomputers

“Russia is building a quantum world”: FMN Lab winning in the all-Russian photo competition
13 february 2024

A photograph by BMSTU photographer Sergei Kushlevich among the best works at VDNH expo

Anastasia Solovyova and Dmitry Moskalev are laureates of the Moscow Government Prize for Young Scientists
8 february 2024

Achievements in the development of quantum information processing devices were noted

Bauman DeepTech Expert Council was held at BMSTU
6 december 2023

FMN Lab team shared the results of the implementation of projects on the “Hybrid Computing”

FMN Lab team participated in the “AnalitBioPribor 2023” conference
28 november 2023

A team of bionanotechnologists part in the II Annual All-Russian Youth Conference on methods and instruments for the analysis of biological objects “AnalyBioPribor 2023”.

FMN Lab scientists starring at international conferences in China
7 november 2023

The team participated at the ACP and POEM forums

BMSTU developments at the Russia Forum
4 november 2023

Devices based on photonic integrated circuits, including solid-state LIDAR, are presented as part of a grand exhibition at VDNKh

«Микроэлектроника 2023»: НОЦ ФМН в научной и выставочной программах Форума
13 october 2023

Вместе с командой бауманцев команда центра представила передовые устройства на новых физических принципах
