FMN Laboratory established as an interdisciplinary technological center aimed at conducting research and development work together with leading institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as medical, instrument-making, machine-building and other industry enterprises of the Russian Federation and foreign partners.
Launch of designing clean production facilities (Classes ISO3 – ISO7) to accommodate modern high-precision technological equipment. Start of construction, which at the initial stage went on around the clock.
From January to August 2014, FMN Laboratory employees paid working visits to more than 20 leading world research centers and production enterprises in the UK, Singapore, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, and Japan in order to get acquainted with the leading scientific laboratories of the world, as well as most advanced technological, metrological and infrastructure equipment. Collected knowledge and experience allowed selecting the most suited to FMN Laboratory’s ambitious goals technological and metrological equipment.

Start of installation of cleanroom structures and a liquid nitrogen tank.

Installation of a deionized water preparation station, pipelines of reverse cooling systems, air ducts, process hoods and ultra-pure gas lines.
Successfully completed construction and commissioning of clean production facilities with a total area of more than 600 m2, as well as unique infrastructure subsystems.
In October 2015, the connection and acceptance tests of the latest technological and metrological equipment were completed. Many of them are the latest models of plants, launched on the market in 2014-2015 by the world's leaders in the R&D segment.
Also in October 2015, the FMN Laboratory team produced its first test nanostructures with a resolution of 10 nm. In December 2015, the first sub-100 nm functional structures and products were manufactured in accordance with the plans for R&D.
FMN Laboratory became fully operational with technological support for the research of more than 100 students, graduate students and leading scientific groups of the BMSTU and partners.
Today, a unique ultramodern scientific and educational center can solve a wide range of scientific, technological and applied tasks.