News and events

Ilya Rodionov made introduced FMN Laboratory and its capabilities to the guests of the BMSTU.

Exactly a year ago, the first test batch of 100 mm plates (bonding) for the Mapper Company, which is a subsidiary of Mapper Lithography B.V., was manufactured on the modern equipment at FMN Laboratory.

"Modeling of Thermoelectric Generator Power Characteristics for Motorcycle-Type Engines".

“Numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer processes in a microfluidic thermal flow sensor”

"Mass production compatible fabrication techniques of single-crystalline silver metamaterials and plasmonics devices".

FMN Laboratory team shared results in frames of two reports.

"Development of a mathematical model for optimizing the design of an automotive thermoelectric generator taking into account the influence of its hydraulic resistance on the engine power".

Light localization and SERS in tip-shaped silicon metasurface

"Plasmon nanolaser based on the hybrid mode of plasmon crystal".

FMN Laboratory team is working on a breakthrough technology that may change people’s life.

FMN Laboratory team shared results in frames of three reports.

Metal-dielectric resonances in metasurfaces and SERS based nanosensors (Conference Presentation)

Report and publication on the topic “Crystalline structure dependence on optical properties of silver thin film over time”

FMN Laboratory researcher's reflections on nanomaterials and target drug delivery market

The team managed to achieve ultra-high resolution of the electron beam lithography process: 7nm on two-dimensional periodic and 11nm on one-dimensional gratings.

Report by FMN Laboratory team on the topic “Degradation study of AlAs/GaAs resonant tunneling diode IV curves under influence of high temperatures”.

New breakthrough by FMN Laboratory team.

Разработан процесс формирования сплошных монокристаллических пленок серебра толщиной в диапазоне 35-100 нм. Пленки получены методом электронно-лучевого испарения и обладают шероховатостью поверхности не хуже 0,2 нм (RMS) на площади 2,5х2,5 мкм и 0,5 нм на площади 90х90 мкм.