News and events
“Fabricating thin films with colloidal quantum dots on planar substrates using polymethyl methacrylate”
In the article "Toward a theoretically limited SPP propagation length above two hundred microns on an ultra-smooth silver surface", we demonstrate the optical medium for surface plasmon-polariton wave (SPP) propagation with ultra low losses corresponding to the theoretically limited values.
Report on "Plasmonic magneto-optical one-dimensional nanostructure: Wood anomaly and Faraday rotation for biosensorics”.
Report "Fabrication array of reproducible submicron Josephson Junction"
"High-quality plasmonic sensors based on thin structured metal films".
“Interfering surface and localized plasmon: Tuning the Wood anomaly for Biosensing”.
“Study of the effect of ultrasound on the deposition of myoglobin from solutions on active SERS-substrates”
Unique results presented in a new article in NANO Letters. In the publication, we demonstrate ultrabright single-photon emission from photostable nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in nanodiamonds coupled to plasmonic nanocavities made of low-loss single-crystalline silver.
Report and publication on the topic “Ultrabright Room-Temperature Emission from Single Plasmon-Enhanced Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond”.
Report and publication on the topic “Optical spectroscopy of Ag/Py based magneto-plasmonic crystals”
Report and publication on the topic “Highly directional plasmonic nanolaser based on high performance noble metal film photonic crystal”.
Report and publication on the topic “Colloidal suspensions in external rotating electric field: experimental studies and prospective applications in physics, material science, and biomedicine”.
“Non-labeled selective virus detection with novel SERS-active porous silver nanofilms fabricated by Electron Beam Physical Vapor Deposition”.
“Plasmonic nanolaser for intracavity spectroscopy and sensorics”.
Ilya Rodionov made introduced FMN Laboratory and its capabilities to the guests of the BMSTU.
Exactly a year ago, the first test batch of 100 mm plates (bonding) for the Mapper Company, which is a subsidiary of Mapper Lithography B.V., was manufactured on the modern equipment at FMN Laboratory.
"Modeling of Thermoelectric Generator Power Characteristics for Motorcycle-Type Engines".
“Numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer processes in a microfluidic thermal flow sensor”
"Mass production compatible fabrication techniques of single-crystalline silver metamaterials and plasmonics devices".
FMN Laboratory team shared results in frames of two reports.